03. August 2016

BRAVAT wins four Red Dot Awards 2016!

It's well known that win­ning a Red Dot Award can ma­ke the world re­co­gni­ze your de­sign ca­pa­bi­li­ty.

This ye­ar, BRA­VAT’s pro­ducts we­re up to the strict Red Dot stan­dards, and ho­no­red to win 4 Red Dot Awards from 5214 ent­ries among 57 coun­tries. The most out­stan­ding de­si­gners all around the world ga­the­red in the 2016 Red Dot Award Ce­rem­ony in Es­sen, Ger­ma­ny on Ju­ly 4. As one of the Red Dot Award win­ners, Mr. Claus Eber­ling, Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor of Ro­man Diet­sche GmbH (Bra­vat’s pa­rent com­pa­ny) joi­ned the ce­rem­ony and re­cei­ved the grea­test ho­nor from the in­ter­na­tio­nal de­sign com­mu­ni­ty.

It pro­ves that on­ce again that BRA­VAT en­joys gre­at de­sign re­pu­ta­ti­on in the world.

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