Le Meridien Pyramids

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Le Meridien Pyramids

The Le Méri­di­en Py­ra­mids Ho­tel & Spa boasts the most rooms in the Gi­zeh re­gi­on and is the ide­al des­ti­na­ti­on for busi­ness and ho­li­day tra­vel. This ho­tel is one of ma­ny fur­nis­hed by BRA­VAT.


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Sheraton Cai­ro Ho­tel & Ca­si­no

Ex­pe­ri­ence Egypt in a new sty­le at the She­ra­ton Cai­ro Ho­tel & Ca­si­no. Our ho­tel with un­i­que towers si­tua­ted on the wes­tern bank of the Ni­le is one of Cai­ro’s fla­shiest land­marks.

Hotel Marriott

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Hamburg Marriott Hotel

The ho­tel in the Ham­burg ci­ty cen­tre is lo­ca­ted ne­ar the sta­ti­on, po­pu­lar sights, shop­ping cen­tres and night­li­fe. He­re too you can en­joy the com­fort of the bath fea­tu­ring the fa­mi­li­ar BRA­VAT qua­li­ty.

Hotel Konrad Zuse

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Best Western Premier Konrad Zuse Hotel

The 4 star BEST WES­TERN PRE­MIER Kon­rad Zu­se Ho­tel is a con­tem­po­ra­ry con­fe­rence & se­mi­nar ho­tel at the he­art of Ger­ma­ny with an op­ti­mal traf­fic connec­ti­on to the A7 and the ICE junc­ti­on sta­ti­on in Ful­da.

The pro­per­ty fea­tu­res 100 rooms with mo­dern fur­nis­hings and 250 free ga­ra­ge spots.


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Intercontinental Berlin

The In­ter­Con­ti­nen­tal Ber­lin, whe­re the Ber­lin Mit­te and Ci­ty West dis­tricts meet, in clo­se vi­ci­ni­ty to the Kur­fürs­ten­damm shop­ping street, Tier­gar­ten and at­trac­ti­ons such as the Ber­lin Zoo, re­flects the dy­na­mics of the Ger­man ca­pi­tol with a con­tem­po­ra­ry in­te­ri­or and vast events, con­ven­ti­ons, con­fe­rences and sym­po­si­ums.


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IBA DOCK Hamburg

Ger­ma­ny’s lar­gest floa­ting ex­po­si­ti­on and of­fi­ce cen­tre was built at the Müg­gen­bur­ger Zoll­ha­fen, across from the emi­gra­ti­on mu­se­um Bal­lin­Stadt. The IBA DOCK be­ca­me the new ho­me for IBA Ham­burg GmbH in Fe­brua­ry 2010.

Dubai Marriott Harbour Hotel & Suites

Dubai Marriott Harbour Hotel & Suites

Fea­tu­ring fi­ve ex­tra­or­di­na­ry restau­rants and loun­ges, a re­la­xing spa area, an over­si­zed pool and ul­tra-mo­dern mee­ting- and con­fe­rence fa­ci­li­ties, The Ad­dress Du­bai Ma­ri­na is the right place to work in com­fort and re­lax.

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