11. Mai 2016

"Give me Five"! BRAVAT wins five iF Design Awards 2016

Fi­ve mo­dels of the BRA­VAT pro­ducts stood out in 5,295 ent­ries from 53 coun­tries at this ye­ar's iF De­sign Awards in Mu­nich.

This is the con­ti­nua­ti­on of a long de­sign win­ning his­to­ry of this com­pa­ny. Eve­ry ye­ar, BRA­VAT brings out its most in­no­va­ti­ve pro­ducts and de­sign stu­dies. BRA­VAT sin­ce­re­ly ho­pes that the­se in­spi­ra­tio­nal and ex­tra­or­di­na­ri­ly de­si­gned pro­ducts will bring mo­re com­fort and joy to your eve­r­y­day li­fe.

No­wa­days, the com­pa­ny ope­ra­tes two de­sign cen­ters, one in Ger­ma­ny and the other in Asia.

The CEO of Ro­man Diet­sche GmbH re­cei­ved the pri­ce in Mu­nich.

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