14. Oktober 2016

Innovative house project in Mühlacker

On Sep­tem­ber 29, 2016 the first "ex­ca­va­tor bi­te" for the con­struc­ti­on of the "Schwö­rer He­al­thy Ho­me" in Mühla­cker was ma­de.

Mo­re than 40 brand ma­nu­fac­tur­ers from the Eu­ro­pean con­struc­ti­on in­dus­try are par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the am­bi­tious pro­ject for he­al­thy li­ving pla­ces in "Swa­bi­an Tus­ca­ny" - in­clu­ding the Ro­man Diet­sche GmbH. The ba­throom ac­ces­so­ries by BRA­VAT by Ro­man Diet­sche per­fect­ly fit to mo­dern and su­staina­ble li­ving. The so­phi­sti­ca­ted pro­duct li­nes of­fer a sui­ta­ble look for va­rious in­te­ri­or de­si­gns; the high qua­li­ty of the pro­ducts stands for long du­ra­bi­li­ty and thus less dis­po­sal. In ad­di­ti­on, BRA­VAT of­fers a re­mar­ka­b­ly wi­de ran­ge of re­pla­ce­ment pro­ducts. Ta­ke for ex­am­ple the high-qua­li­ty toi­let brush: the brush head can be re­pla­ced se­pa­ra­te­ly - the purcha­se of a com­ple­te brush is no lon­ger ne­cessa­ry. This pro­tects the en­vi­ron­ment and the pur­se as well.

The first "he­al­thy ho­me" - a pre­fa­bri­ca­ted hou­se ma­de of wood - is to be in­ha­bi­ted in just a few months.

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